School Age Kids 30 Minute Swimming Lessons | St Peter's Swim School

School Age 30 Minute Lessons

School-age swimming lessons are for children aged 5 years and above. Learners can begin these lessons at various levels of swimming experience, from no previous swim experience to mastering the finer technical details of each stroke. 
Our School Age lessons create a foundation of essential solid swimming skills. The aim is to develop swimming techniques whilst building proficiency and water safety knowledge as children progress through the levels.

Group classes are small so instructors can focus attention where it is needed. These classes are designed to develop and build confidence in the water, then progress technical swimming skills across all swimming strokes.

School-age swimmers may begin classes with zero experience or enter higher-level lessons based on their current ability rather than their age. Our lesson structure is seamless, so children can progress to higher levels when they are ready rather than waiting until the end of term.

 If a bit of extra attention is needed, Fast Tech lessons with either 2:1 or 1:1 swimmer/instructor ratios are also available for all levels - choose what works best for your child. (Fast tech lessons from Goldfish to Seals levels)

You can follow your child’s progress on your parent portal to know exactly where your child is at by seeing what skills they have achieved and what they need to work on.

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Goldfish lessons
Goldfish level is for school-aged children who need to gain confidence in the water and learn to kick on their front and back independently. 

Ratio: 3:1

Goldfish level is an entry level for school aged children. Children gain confidence in the water and learn to kick on their front and back independently to gain water safety skills and start to build a stroke foundation.

Goals for Goldfish Kids:

  • Full submersion/retrieve a toy from the floor
  • Back float unassisted (5 sec)
  • Streamline kick 3m unassisted
  • Back kick arms by side 5m unassisted


Whitebait Lessons
Whitebait level is for school-aged children who are confident kicking on their front and back unassisted.

Ratio: 4:1

Whitebait level is for school aged children who are confident kicking on their front and back unassisted and are ready to start working on freestyle arms, rolling onto their back and the foundations for backstroke.

Goals for Whitebait kids:

  • Back kick split arms 12.5m unassisted
  • 3 strokes of straight arm freestyle, standing to breathe for 12.5m
  • 3 freestyle arm strokes and then roll to back and kick for 3m


Snapper Swimming Lessons
Snapper level is for school-aged children who are confident with freestyle arms plus rolling to their back so they are ready to learn or perfect freestyle side breathing.  

Ratio: 4:1

Snapper level is for school aged children who are confident with freestyle arms plus rolling to their backs so they are ready to learn perfect freestyle breathing. They must be able to kick independently on their backs with split arms.

Goals for Snapper kids:

  • Side breathing with split arms 12.5m
  • 4x 12.5m of freestyle with alternate breathing
  • 6 kick backstroke for 12.5m


Swordfish level is for school-aged children who can confidently do half lengths of freestyle using the correct breathing technique.


Swordfish level is for school aged children who can confidently do half lengths of freestyle using the correct breathing technique. At this level, children should be able to swim with opposite backstroke arms while maintaining a streamlined position for half a length.

Goals for Swordfish kids:

  • 25m regular freestyle (with good alternate side breathing)
  • 25m backstroke (opposite arms and feet up)